Two Stealth Storm Sworders (Triple SSS) were being brought to an Dragon Head Base near the Red River as a symbol for peace. Behind them was Mueller and Major Ralph from the Imperial Air Base Ebinar. Irvine and Van are taking Moonbay's Gustav to the Dragon Head Base, and are wondering why Raven did not finish him off when he had the chance. They find out it was not the Geno Saurer or Raven's will to leave the battlefield, instead it was Shadow's decision to leave. Then the Triple SSS are stolen by Major Ralph and Mueller with the help of Ambient, the red organoid that belongs to Hiltz. When Van and the rest of the gang make it to Dragon Head Base, they find out about the stolen Triple SSS's, and since it fell under Guardian Force headlines, it was their mission to stop them and bring them back. Van believes since the Triple SSSs are not yet equipped with Command Options, they will be back for the Command Options. Then Van strategizes a complete and nice way to trap the Triple SSS when they come.